Motor Neurone Disease Association - Raffle Quilt
Last year I had my Thursday group in my village make me some beautiful blocks for an Art Nouveau Garden quilt. I have done the borders and will be doing the quilting any day soon. The design is from a book of the same name (see the link) but we have used different colours. It shold look stunning when it is finished.
One of my closest friends has developed MND - it is the most dreadful disease with no cure. Because of this, our quilt is to be raffled for the MND Association just before Christmas. Tickets will be available later this year at £1 per ticket. I do want to raise over £1000 but it will take a lot of hard work! Do contact me if you want to purchase a ticket. Here is a picture of some of the blocks I have begun to put together to make the whole top.
One of my closest friends has developed MND - it is the most dreadful disease with no cure. Because of this, our quilt is to be raffled for the MND Association just before Christmas. Tickets will be available later this year at £1 per ticket. I do want to raise over £1000 but it will take a lot of hard work! Do contact me if you want to purchase a ticket. Here is a picture of some of the blocks I have begun to put together to make the whole top.